Sold horses through mediation by 4D Arabians

Ridden black Arabian mare. She is very easy to handle and is a good mother to her foals. She has a good pedigree. She is very smart & kind.

Sold to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Granddaughter of 2011 Junior World Champion, 2014 Senior World Champion and 2018 Platinum World Champion KAHIL AL SHAQAB! She also has the bloodlines of PALMETA, the 2015 WAHO Trophy Winner of Poland.

Sold to Iraq.

2020 Arabian mare by KANZ ALBIDAYER, who is a son of AJMAN MONISCIONE and the mare DL MARIELLE (a full sister to World Champion MARAJJ). Her dam is a daughter of AL AYAL AA.

Sold to Iraq.

2018 Arabian mare. Her sire is a son of World Champion QR MARC and traces in the tail female line back to World Champion, All Nations Cup Champion, European Reserve Champion and US Champion mare ZAGROBLA (by MONOGRAMM)!

Sold to Iraq.

Beautiful Arabian mare by the exotic black Multi-Champion stallion MAGIC MAGNIFIQUE, a son of World Champion TRUE COLOURS! She is out of a daughter of the legendary Platinum World Champion GAZAL AL SHAQAB!

Sold to the Netherlands.

Wonderful granddaughter of LAHEEB! Her dam is a granddaughter of “the king of type” AJMAN MONISCIONE!

Sold to China.

Ridden Straight Egyptian stallion, Asil, Al Khamsa, Pyramid Society, Blue List, strain Dahman Shahwan/Bint El Bahreyn pure in strain. He is a grandson of MAYSOUN! He has much Saklawi blood: 16 times MONIET EL NEFOUS and 9 times MORAFIC. He is awarded a Silver Medal on the stallions licensing.

Sold to Germany.

Amazing Arabian mare with a very beautiful type and wonderful movements. She oozes quality. She’s a treasured daughter of the exotic World Champion Reserve SHANGHAI EA by “the Champion maker” WH JUSTICE! The mare is in foal to SQ AGEEB for 2023.

Sold to Israel.

Beautiful Arabian mare NIRLA. She has Polish bloodlines and traces in the sire-line back to Platinum World Champion GAZAL AL SHAQAB! She has two lines to the legendary stallion MONOGRAMM and two lines to the great EUKALIPTUS!

Sold to Israel.

2014 Straight Egyptian mare with the bloodlines of IBN BARRADA and ANSATA HEJAZI.

Sold to The Netherlands.

Daughter of Triple Crown Winner EXCALIBUR EA, who is sired by the exotic World Champion Reserve SHANGHAI EA by “the Champion Maker” WH JUSTICE! EXCALIBUR EA is a grandson of three-times World Champion MARWAN AL SHAQAB!

Sold to Israel.

Rare colored Purebred Arabian filly, black with W19 gen. She’s elegant and very tall, with a lot of charisma and with great movements. She’s a great prospect for sport and breeding.

Sold to Germany.

Homozygous black Straight Egyptian stallion that has wonderful offspring.

Sold to France.

Beautiful ridden Arabian mare that is by the exotic stallion PSYRASIC (PSYTADEL x KAROBA by the famous ECAHO 5-star stallion KUBINEC)! She is professional show-trained. She has absolute the best mind in the world. She measures 1.52m.

Sold to The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Very beautiful Arabian mare by the exotic International Champion stallion MURANAS JASSEHR who is sired by MAJOR and is out of the CH EL BRILLO daughter JANA EL BRI. Her dam is by the Polish Champion stallion POGANIN and she’s a granddaughter of PADRONS PSYCHE!

Sold to Israel.

An excellent opportunity to acquire a high quality mare with a very beautiful type and a very good pedigree! She’s a daughter of the exotic Multi-Champion EMERALD J! The dam of EMERALD J is the famous Platinum World Champion mare EMANDORIA by GAZAL AL SHAQAB!

Sold to Israel.

Beautiful tall grey Arabian mare by Multi-Champion PSYTADEL out of a WH JUSTICE daughter. She has a wonderful pedigree and great presence. She would make an awesome foundation mare for your breeding program.

Sold to Israel.

ENDORFINA is a real Polish treasure, an elegant and very feminine mare that is bred by Janów Podlaski Stud. She’s a granddaughter of the Champion mare with “Best in show”-title ETNOLOGIA, who was sold for 370 thousand Euros at the Pride of Poland 2012 Sale.

Sold to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Arabian filly DAA INTROPIA. She is sired by the exotic stallion SHANGHAI EA by the Champion Maker WH JUSTICE! SHANGHAI EA is multiple champion, won the “Best Head Trophy” and is World Silver Champion.

Sold to Israel.

Beautiful Arabian mare that is sired by Champion and Champion producer RFI FARID! She’s in foal to a son of EKSTERN!

Sold to Israel.

Very beautiful daughter of the popular stallion ZEUS EA – full brother of one of the most wanted sires in the world today – EXCALIBUR EA!

Sold to Israel.

Showy Arabian mare by PSYCHE KERET who is by KHIDAR and out of the multi Champion mare PSYCHE VICTORIA!!! Her dam is by the Polish stallion EMIGRANT (ARARAT x EMIGRANTKA), who is European and Polish National Champion Stallion, as well as, race winner in Poland.

Sold to Israel.

2017 Typey Arabian mare, daughter of Champion and sire of Champions FUERTE and out of the National Silver Champion mare OKS BENTOZA. She was Junior Champion on her first show (an international B-show) as a yearling filly.

Sold to Israel.

Exquisite Arabian filly that was Class winner and Silver Champion at her very first show, the 2020 international show in Barcelona. Being sired by MORION, she traces in the sire line through KAHIL AL SHAQAB and MARWAN AL SHAQAB to GAZAL AL SHAQAB!!!

Sold to Israel.

A tall great moving Arabian filly by KADAR’S ECHOO and out of a GIRLAN-BEY daughter. She had showtraining.

Sold to Israel.

Beautiful grey filly sired by ZEUS EA, a son of the exotic World Champion Reserve SHANGHAI EA! ZEUS EA is a grandson of three-times World Champion MARWAN AL SHAQAB who is a son of Platinum World Champion GAZAL AL SHAQAB!!! Her dam is a granddaughter of AJMAN MONISCIONE!!!

Sold to Israel.

With her pedigree she’s a royally bred Arabian filly by SHANGHAI EA and out of an EKSTERN daughter. She traces back in the tail female line to FRASKATA, which was sold in 2006 for 135.000 Euros.

Sold to Israel.

Two-year old filly by RFI FARID. Her dam is a daughter of PSYRASIC by PSYTADEL.

Sold to Israel.

2017 Arabian mare by KANZ ALBIDAYER (AJMAN MONISCIONE x DL MARIELLE)! Her dam is a daughter of GAZAL AL SHAQAB!

Sold to Israel.

Sweet black Arabian mare by Multi-Champion stallion and sire of Champions: EDEN C. From the dam side she has the bloodlines of the Elite stallions ANSATA EL SALAAM and SALAA EL DINE and from the World Champion Reserve PLAKAT.

Sold to France.

Wonderful Arabian mare by the legendary stallion EKSTERN! In the year 2000 EKSTERN was Triple Crown Winner. She traces in the tail female line back to World Champion, All Nations Cup Champion, European Reserve Champion and US Champion mare ZAGROBLA (by MONOGRAMM)!

Sold to Belgium.

Very beautiful and showy granddaughter of SHANGHAI EA!

Sold to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Sweet Arabian mare with an interesting pedigree that will make a great broodmare prospect. She is a granddaughter of the world famous stallion, called “the Championmaker”, WH JUSTICE. She also carries the bloodlines of the Elite stallion NADIR I.

Sold to Belgium.

Beautiful grandson of none other than triple World Champion MARWAN AL SHAQAB. Take a look at his fabulous long mane that give him his fairy-tale appearance.

Sold to Belgium.

Pure Polish mare by EKSTERN and out of PETLA by VISBADEN. She’s bred by Janów Podlaski Stud and is the maternal halfsister of POGROM.

Sold to Belgium.

Pure Polish mare that is a National Silver Champion mare with the highest score of the show. She is a granddaughter of World Champion mare ZAGROBLA! She is sired by EMIGRANT who’s daughters are highly sought-after. She has a pedigree to die for! She has wonderful movements.

Sold to Belgium.

Tall and beautiful Arabian filly by BORSALINO K! BORSALINO K is a grandson of ALI JAMAAL. She is a great granddaughter of WH JUSTICE. In the tail female line she traces back to a World Champion mare. She is showtrained.

Sold to Austria.

Pure Polish mare ZLOTA ORCHIDEA by EMIGRANT. She is a granddaughter of 2000 World Champion mare and 2003 U.S. National Champion Senior mare ZAGROBLA by the World Famous stallion MONOGRAMM.

Sold to Belgium.

Exotic Straight Egyptian black filly, strain Hadban Enzahi, out of black parents. She will likely measure 1.54m.

Sold to Bosnia.

Very beautiful Arabian gelding that is such a nice guy. The kids can ride on him and he can ride out in the woods alone. He is used to encounter cars and is almost 100% traffic safe. He measures 1.53m.

Sold to Germany.

This filly is exquisite! She has a very pretty head, she is showy and is an extremely nice mover. This is an excellent opportunity to own a granddaughter of the famous WH JUSTICE! She will likely measure 1.54m.

Sold to Italy.

2008 Gorgeous tall ridden Arabian gelding with a loving charakter. He loves cuddling and being the center of attention. Very easy to handle and a joy to ride. He is a big mover with a huge ground-covering stride. Super dressage prospect. He started 4 times with ease in Endurance. He is Trail experienced and traffic safe.

Sold to Germany.

2015 Black colt without markings out of black parents. Typey colt with a short head with big eyes, very good movements. Growing up in the herd – easy to handle. His sire is Straight Egyptian and his dam has Polish-Egyptian bloodlines.

Sold to the Netherlands.

Amazing black Asil bred Arabian filly out of black parents. She has good movements, is exotic, typey and has a very sweet disposition. She is born in April 2016 and can go to her new loving home in October. She will likely measure 1.54m.

Sold to Belgium.

Very good moving Straight Egyptian mare. She is sired by a black stallion. She is a granddaughter of MONTASAR (Elite-stallion MADKOUR x Elite-mare MAYMOONAH)! She is a good mother to her foals. She has offspring with a very beautiful type, among them also black offspring.

Sold to Germany.

2015 Black Straight Egyptian colt without markings. He is very people-oriented and easy to handle. He has a beautiful dry head with a nice tiny muzzle. He has beautiful movements. His full brother is sire of very beautiful Premium foals.

Sold to Germany.

2013 Bay filly with a star and 4 dark hooves. She has Polish/Egyptian bloodlines. Her sire is a beautiful black Straight Egyptian stallion. She is a tall filly with a stretchy body and superb movements; easy to handle and social to other horses.

Sold to Germany.

2012 Beautiful black Arabian colt with a good Straight Egyptian pedigree. He is a grandson of SALAA EL DINE! In the sireline he traces back to NK HAFID JAMI:! He is ultra refined and very showy. He is show trained.

Sold to Kuwait.

2012 Typey Arabian colt with Egyptian-Russian bloodlines, ready to follow in the footsteps of his parents who are international show champions! His sire was successful in 4 countries! His dam is a champion producing mare.

Sold to Germany.

2002 Black Straight Egyptian mare; First of all we would like to bring her suitability as a family horse at your attention! She is a joy to ride, is well educated under saddle and loves to be in the center of the attention. She is a daughter of SHAIKEEL who is by World Champion stallion SIMEON SHAI.

Sold to Belgium.

Straight Egyptian black filly, that was a National Champion on show! Her sire was a National Champion Junior stallion and Silver Champion in the category of the Best Head Male on the Egyptian Event Europe. The grandsire of this filly is World Champion.

Sold to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

2014 Grey Straight Egyptian filly that traces in the sireline back to MAYSOUN (ANSATA HALIM SHAH x MAYSOUNA by IBN GALAL). She is awarded by the Studbook with a Premium and two stars! She has great movements!

Sold to Kuwait.

Arabian filly that traces in the sireline to the stallion ALI JAMAAL! In the tail female line she traces back to the mare BARWNA, known as the dam of World Champion WARANDES PLAKAT and World Champion reserve WARANDES PASCHA & World Champion Junior mare SASKIA RJ.

Sold to The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

2009 Very stunning Straight Egyptian black Arabian stallion that has a license to breed and a second premium! He was classwinner and Silver Champion on an international show. His sire is an international champion on show and the full brother to Worldchampion!

Sold to Morocco.

2014 Beautiful Arabian colt sired by Elite-stallion KAIS (PAKISTAN x PROBA by BALATON). He has a lot of Arabian flair, is upright, with exeptional movements and awesome tail carriage.

Sold to Belgium.

2013 Showy Arabian colt with beautiful long blond manes and very beautiful movements. His head is beautiful with dark, expressive eyes. His sire is the Elite-stallion KAIS (PAKISTAN x PROBA by BALATON).

Sold to Belgium.

2006 Ridden Arabian stallion sired by World Champion stallion KHIDAR! His dam is by an Elite-stallion and is a full sister to a World Champion mare! He measures ± 1.53m.

Sold to China.

2010 Very exotic Straight Egyptian filly with a beautiful short head with a nice dish, a wide forehead and beautiful big eyes. She has very good movements. She’s a granddaughter of the black stallion THE VERDICT HG.

Sold to Germany.

2005 Arabian mare by NABIL BOUZNIKA and out of a daughter of the black stallion SHADDAI.

Sold to Kuwait.

2013 Straight Egyptian black colt. He is a grandson of World Champion reserve SIMEON SADIK! This colt has an exceptionally good character and is very sweet. With its extraordinary character he is a friend for life! A small child can take the lead rope and he will follow without a problem.

Sold to Denmark.

2011 Arabian filly with Polish/Egyptian bloodlines. She is a granddaughter of DF MALIK JAMIL (NK HAFID JAMIL)! She is easy to handle, light ground work started.

Sold to the Netherlands.

2010 Tall and very pretty, dark chestnut filly with good movements and a strong and big body. Her looks are very lovely and she has a lovely disposition as well. She is a granddaughter of the great MAGNUM PSYCHE and of the Ecaho 5-star stallion KUBINEC.

Sold to Czech Republic.

2007 Showy Arabian mare with very good movements and an interesting pedigree. She is a granddaughter of the first European “Triple Crown Winner” in history: ESSTEEM by FAME VF. She has several lines to EL SHAKLAN and several lines to ALI JAMAAL!

Sold to Germany.

2007 Chestnut Arabian mare by MASSAI IBN MARENGA! Her dam traces in the sire-line back to NABEG. This mare also carries the bloodlines of the great stallion PLAKAT. She had show training.

Sold to France.

2009 Black Straight Egyptian Arabian filly. In the sireline she traces back to IBN MONIET EL NEFOUS. Her dam traces in the sireline back to GHORAB.

Sold to United Arab Emirates.

2008 Arabian colt that is a sporthorse and/or breedingstallion prospect. His maternal grandsire is the stallion GUDJAR who is a grandson of IBN ESTASHA and his paternal grandsire is the stallion EUKALIPTUS.

Sold to the Netherlands.

2007 Grey Straight Egyptian mare (strain DS), granddaughter of IBN NEJDY who was bred by the wellknown breeder Mr. Nagel of the Katharinenhof in Germany. She measures ± 1.52m.

Sold to Qatar.

2008 Beautiful Straight Egyptian mare with a very good pedigree and very good movements. She is a granddaughter of IBN BINT INAS. Her maternal grandsire is the beautiful stallion ASHAL AL RAYAN! She is easy to handle. She will make a wonderful broodmare.

Sold to Qatar.

2005 Very beautiful Straight Egyptian mare. Granddaughter of the Elite stallion SALAA EL DINE and great granddaughter of the Elite stallion MAYSOUN.

Sold to Qatar.

2009 Extreme moving bay Arabian colt with pure Polish bloodlines. His grandsire EKSTERN was named “Triple Crown”-Champion in 2000. He has a very correcct conformation, powerful floating movements and lots of type.

Sold to the Netherlands.

2009 Black Arabian filly with only a small star. She has a very people loving sweet disposition and loves attention. She is very easy to handle, has a very easy temperament. She really has a superb character, great in every way, great to load.

Sold to the Netherlands.

2005 Beautiful bay Arabian mare with a pedigree filled with champions and champion producers. She carries for instance the bloodlines of the champion stallions PSYTADEL, NADIR I and ABAKAN and the World Champion filly SASKIA RJ!

Sold to The Netherlands.

3-year old Arabian stallion with Russian bloodlines, a great neck, a nice type and body. He has good movements and a friendly character. He will likely measure 1.60m. He is a son of MASSIMO IBN MIROKAN.

Sold to Belgium.

2007 Very tall, bold moving chestnut Arabian gelding with pure Russian bloodlines. He was National Champion reserve and classwinner. His maternal grandsire is the champion stallion KUBAY KHAN. His sire (Elite-stallion) is a grandson of ASWAN and is a National Champion stallion.

Sold to Germany.

2008 Grey Arabian filly. Her grandsire is the Straight Egyptian stallion ANSATA EL SALAAM! Her mother is a champion-producer; she won the title “Best bred Arabian horse” in 1996 and was successful on shows.

Sold to Belgium.

2006 Grey Arabian mare with good bloodlines. Her greatgrandsires are PADRONS PSYCHE and ECAHO 5-star stallion KUBINEC! Due to an old injuiry she will not be suitable as a ridinghorse.

Sold to Belgium.

2007 Beautiful very showy Arabian colt. Through his sire this colt goes back to the World Champion and Elite stallion KUBINEC. Amoung the 30 horses in his pedigree there are 13 Elite-horses. He will likely measure 1.55m.

Sold to Belgium.

1994 Stunning and breathtaking 1st Premium grey Arabian stallion who is a champion on shows and who is an ECAHO Two-Star stallion. He was for instance Top 5 at the World Championships twice. He is ridden and enjoys his job as a ridinghorse. He stands 1.57m.

Sold to Belgium.

2003 Grey Arabian stallion. He is sired by the Straight Egyptian stallion MOHEEB. He is ridden en is cool also when discovering new things. He is eager to learn, forward moving and has excellent over stride from behind. He has a very nice people-oriented character.

Sold to the Netherlands.

Beautiful 5-year old Arabian mare with very good Egyptian-related pedigree. Her father is the stallion MOHEEB. This mare is a very good mover and loves to show off. She has a very nice disposition and is ridden by a 13-year old girl.

Sold to Belgium.

2009 Arabian colt who’s pedigree boasts worldfamous champions & championproducers. His sire is by PSYTADEL and is out of a daughter of PADRONS PSYCHE and MONOGRAMMED LADY. He is curious, a real nice moving colt with amazing energy and an attitude like he knows that he is special.

Sold to the Netherlands.

2008 All black Arabian filly with a short gorgeous deep dished-head, huge beautiful eyes, straight legs and extreme movements. She is out of black parents and has Polish/Egyptian bloodlines. She will likely measure 1.52m.

Sold to Belgium.

5-year old stallion that has a very good disposition. He is friendly and is so willing to work with. He is bred to be competitive in Sports. His sire has had a successful race and dressage career. His grandsire was successful on a high level in dressage and jumping.

Sold to Belgium.

2007 Beautiful bay Arabian filly with a sweet disposition. She will become an incredible broodmare and would be a very good Endurance prospect. She is showy, has extra good movements and has a correct conformation. Her sire traces in the sireline back to the World Champion KUBINEC!

Sold to Germany.

4-year old very typey and showy bay Arabian mare. Her sire is champion on the stallions licening and is sired by the legendary ECAHO 5-star stallion KUBINEC! Her sire carries the blood of EL SHAKLAN through his mother. Her maternal grandsire is the international Champion and ELITE stallion KAIS.

Sold to Belgium.

Almost 4-year old Straight Egyptian stallion. He is sired by MOHEEB. In the sireline he traces back to the Elite stallion IBRAHIM (MAHOMED x MAHIBA). He traces in the tail female line through the well renowned mare BINT MAISA EL SAGHIRA to BINT EL BAHREIN.

Sold to Jordan.

2008 Grey Arabian colt with very good Straight Egyptian pedigree. His sire is a son of the black stallion THE VERDICT HG. THE VERDICT HG is a full brother of the exotic black mare THE VISION HG who is the dam of the extremely beautiful stallion, the World Champion AL LAHAB.

Sold to the Netherlands.

2008 Grey Arabian colt. He is sired by a son of the wellknown international Multi-Champion stallion KHIDAR! The sire of this colt has several lines to the stallion IBN ESTASHA both through his sire and his dam.

Sold to the Netherlands.

5-year old all black Straight Egyptian mare. She is in foal to the black stallion SHAIKEEL, son of the 1991 World Champion stallion SIMEON SHAI.

Sold to Kuwait.

8-year old Black Straight Egyptian mare. She is very sweet and is ridden. She passes the Sabino-gen on to her offspring and that makes her very special.

Sold to Kuwait.

Black Straight Egyptian mare, granddaughter of the 1991 World Champion SIMEON SHAI.

Sold to Kuwait.

Beautiful almost 2-year old Straight Egyptian chestnut filly who traces in the sireline back to the stallion ANSATA HALIM SHAH. Her paternal grandmother is a daughter of IBN GALAL.

Sold to Kuwait.

Straight Egyptian mare.

Sold to Kuwait.

Straight Egyptian mare, granddaughter of IBN BINT INAS. The father of the mother is the stallion MADKOUR I (HADBAN ENZAHI x MOHEBA II).

Sold to Kuwait.

1995 Grey Arabian mare. She is a very sweet mare and she is easy to ride. She has two beautiful foals on the ground that shows she’s a broodmare of good quality. Her pedigree includes names like MAYSOUN and HADBAN ENZAHI.

Sold to Slovenia.

El Qahiro Algero (sire: ALEGRO) is a very gentle and loving Arabian, eager to learn, however needs an experienced rider that is up for the challenge. He’s a 13-year old grey gelding. Has dressage and Natural-Horse-Manship training.

Sold to the Netherlands.

2001 Typey Straight Egyptian chestnut mare. Her sire is by the grey stallion EL MADAHN MAREEKH. Her dam is sired by the chestnut stallion IBN BARRADA who has been imported as a yearling from Egypt from the worldfamous EL ZAHRAA Stud.

Sold to Belgium.

5-year old Arabian mare with a very good disposition, she is also suitable for an amateur or junior. This mare would be a good sporthorse and when she goes to a performance home she surely can be very succesfull. She is measured at 1.57m. Her sire is the stallion POKER.

Sold to Belgium.

Arabian yearling colt with TOP-pedigree full of promise. He is a grandson of LAHEEB. LAHEEB is for example the sire of the 2006 World Champion AL LAHAB. The dam of this yearling colt is a National Champion mare.

Sold to Germany.

4-year old grey stallion full of type. In the first four generations of his pedigree (a total of 30 horses) there are 13 horses with the Elite-title!

Sold to The Netherlands.